
YWCA's Stand Against Racism

Center on Poverty,Work & Opportunity Newsletter

Events at Busboys and Poets

Photos of slave descendants donated to Smithsonian |

Move Forward with Common Core

The Muppet Mass Choir

A F R O - V E G A N By Bryant Terry.......April 14th Afro American Afro Caribbean Soul Food Delicious tips on New and Healthy ways to cook traditional food Talk and cooking demonstration By author Bryant Terry 4pm, April 14th Calhoun College 189 Elm St, New Haven Yale Sustainable Food Project (203) 432-4771 Open and Free

North Spirit Radio Featuring Niyonu Spann

The 9th Annual Hip-Hop Festival, Trinity College. April 3-5th 2014

Slowing the Rush to Genetically Modified Babies

National Boys & Girls Club Week. March 23-29, 2014

Boys and Girls Club of New Haven 3 on 3 Basketball Corporate Challenge, Saturday March 29, 2014 | The FICKLIN MEDIA GROUP,LLC

Boys and Girls Club of New Haven 3 on 3 Basketball Corporate Challenge, Saturday March 29, 2014

AfriGeneas ~ African Ancestored Genealogy- Dorothy Height

Stop the Bullying, Roosevelt School, Thursday, April 10, 2014

At TEDxPhiladelphia, rethinking the past to envision the city’s future

The U.S. Cities Where the Poor Are Most Segregated From Everyone Else - Richard Florida - The Atlantic Cities

Sister Friend: Phillis Wheatley and Obour Tanner on Love, Freedom and the Divine by Amanda Kemp