
Legislative Brunch for Racial Equity in Education

Lying Lips (1939) - Oscar Micheaux Film

The End of Progressive Neoliberalism

Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church Annual MLK, Jr Love March, January 15, 2017

Within Our Gates (1920) - Oscar Micheaux Silent Film

Oscar Micheaux, One of my Guiding lights, Thanks to Bill Costen and Michelle Turner for posting

Tom Ficklin | Good Morning, 2017! On this first episode of the new year, host Tom Ficklin talks with WNHH Station Manager Lucy Gellman about hyper-local journalism, the New Haven Independent's place in the Knight News Match, and More.

June Archer, The Motivate U Podcast

Stream This British Demon-Hunting Comedy on Netflix

Facebook Live with Mubarakah Ibrahim, Wed. Jan 4, 2017

Sarah J. Brazaitis: White Women’s Trump Card

Christopher Emdin: Pain, Betrayal and the Recognition that “We Gon’ Be Alright” | Teachers College Columbia University