
Black Chronicles

2015 Summit on Inequality and Opportunity: Welcome and Introductory remarks

Call to Action-December 9th

Yale In Hollywood

#EvokingTheMulatto: Watch the Discussion

Video: Heroin and the Way on Drugs: In the 1970s, frustration over heroin related, urban crime led to the War on Drugs. Today, heroin is back. But the users, and the response, are very different.

Just us / Just for Some?

YALE SOM Education Leadership Conference Defining Success

Journey of the African-American Athlete clip featuring Dr. Harry Edwards

Sony Alpha Lenses - Gary Fong's Gearbag

Understanding (and Refuting) the Arguments for God | Big Think

The Intelligence of Emotions: Philosopher Martha Nussbaum on How Storytelling Rewires Us and Why Befriending Our Neediness Is Essential for Healthy Relationships | Brain Pickings

A Breathing Practice To Help Ground Your Root Chakra -

Baba Heru Semahj, From Police Officer to Kemetic Priest - The New York Times

The Express

What Happened Today On WNHH | New Haven Independent

Rhodes Scholar Winner Rachel Harmon '15