
Today on "The Tom Ficklin Show" Tom talks with Social Justice Activist Cowiya Arouna.

Justice Ginsburg shares her review of the 2016 Supreme Court Term

3.0 Offers Intriguing 4K Delivery Possibilities

This Deep-Pocketed Funder Remains Keenly Interested in Social and Emotional Learning

ON Tyranny, Twenty Lessons from the 20th Century

Pinterest's New AI Tool Will Reverse Architect Recipes From Food Porn


Social Media Strategy | Social Media Strategies Summit

EmeraldPlanet July 2, 2017. Kelley Page Jibrell

Crowdpac | Your platform for political participation

Obery Hendricks: Political Economy and the Holistic Spirituality of Jesus

Obery Hendricks, "What Would Jesus Do?

Residents, fellows, faculty honored at 2017 Commencement ceremony | Yale School of Medicine

Meditation Minutes Part 01

Justice Collab News (Newsletter) - Read, download or print all issues here

Important Commentary by AB Spellman re the Controversy around "Confederate"

The 4-Minute Peaceful Warrior Workout

It's not just the n-word in the woodpile - from 'no can do' to 'hooligan' we reveal English's hidden racism

"The nigger" in the woodpile | Library of Congress

(1) Community Conversations: Locked Up for Justice

How Dallas can model a new approach to race relations  | Commentary | Dallas News

Journey to the Bottom of the n-Word (Complete Film)

Pittsburgh Gets a Tech Makeover - The New York Times

Frantz Fanon: The Wretched of the Earth (audio bk 1/7) Intro by J.P Sartre

Why HBO’s “Confederate” Is Completely Unnecessary | Teen Vogue

Why HBO’s “Confederate” Is Completely Unnecessary | Teen Vogue

(1) Goodful - These 4 healthy and delicious breakfasts will keep you...

Flute Meditations for Dreaming Clouds - Paul Adams - Relaxation, Sleep, ...

The Producers of HBO's Confederate Respond to the Backlash