The Producers of HBO's Confederate Respond to the Backlash

I really appreciate seeing this article. I really wish HBO does a series on what would have happened if The Nat Turner Freedom movement had been a success. Maybe do a series of what if the Haitian Revolution and the overthrow of European invasion in the Americas has been successful. Maybe do a show on what would have happened if Tecumseh has been successful. Maybe do a series of what would have happened if the federal government and state government would have fulfilled the plessy v ferguson mandate of fully and equally funding black institutions and full annual federal allocations. Maybe a show showing what would have happened if Brown v Board of education decision had been immediately implemented. What about a series on What would America look like if MLK, Medgar Evers, Fred Hampton and El Hajj Malik Shabazz had not been assassinated. What about a series on if Bobby Seale had been elected Mayor of Oakland, then Governor of California and then President of the United States. In other words, how can one not view, read and consider the at least some degree of truth in the magnificent work of @Douglas Blackmon. Slavery by Another Name. What about a series on if George Wallace had been elected president?
“We all knew it was coming.”

Tom Ficklin In a very related way, and if HBO wants to further penetrate the global market, I would suggest that the produce a series on what if Japan and Germany had won WWII. the the netflix series The Man in the High Castleaddressed this alt reality in one creative way but there still is much more creative imagination opportunities...

Tom Ficklin In some ways there was a seminal film depicting the resurrection of the confederacy
Digital Content Creation, Capture and…

Tom Ficklin
Tom Ficklin  shared a  link . 1 min  ·  YouTube  ·  C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America C...

