Somehow thinking of the current middle east crisis reminds me one the deadly wars on the North. American continent,
King Philip's War, also known as Metacom's War, was a devastating conflict between Native American tribes and English colonists that took place in New England from 1675 to 1676. The war is considered one of the bloodiest wars on North American soil due to its high proportion of casualties relative to the total population of both sides involved.
Key factors that contributed to the war's high casualty rate:
Total War: The war was fought with a level of brutality and intensity that was unprecedented in New England. Both sides engaged in tactics that targeted civilians, such as burning villages and killing noncombatants.
Disease: The introduction of European diseases, such as smallpox, had a devastating impact on Native American populations, making them more vulnerable to attacks and reducing their overall numbers.
Limited Resources: The limited resources available to both sides meant that casualties were often high, as they lacked adequate medical care and supplies.
Guerrilla Warfare: The Native Americans' use of guerrilla warfare tactics, such as ambushes and raids, made it difficult for the English colonists to inflict decisive defeats, leading to a protracted conflict with sustained casualties.