Councils & Conversation

May be an image of 3 people and text that says '8-9:30 A.M. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 2 PRESENTED BY COUNCILS& CONVERSATION avelo Fly to HVN nonstop to Florida at GREATER NEW HAVEN CHAMBER We take care of usiness Milford Regional Chamber Commec B BROUGHT TECHNOLOGY COUNCI OF THE GREATER NEW HAVEN CHAMBER AFFILIATES HOSTED BY The Black Business Alliance Join The TheFe SPEAKERS SAMANTHA WILLIAMS, M.S. WBENC& NMSDC Directoro Digital Content BENEDETTO, Co-Founder, ”der Launch SERKES, -Founder, Modern Samantha Williams Rayn Serkes'
Join us THIS WEDNESDAY, April 27th at the Black Business Alliance office at the Connecticut Post Mall. We are excited to have BBA host us! Come network in person, enjoy a light breakfast, and learn how to optimize your business's website. We have 3 great experts ready to share their insights and expertise with you.

Register here and bring a friend. 
