Black Men and Resilience


May be an image of 7 people and text that says 'BAPP BLACK MEN AND RESILIENCY JOY AND PAIN CONVERSATIONS Jay Kemp Co-Facilitator FEBRUARY 24TH IN PERSON METTING 6:30PM-8PM DREAM LIFE STUDIOS 1681 BARNUM AVE STRATFORD, CT 06614 Kevin Muhammad Facilitator opavenina GEAPP FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT KEVIN MUHAMMAD @ 203-366-8255'

Muhammad Kevin is with Bud Mench and 
65 others

Brothers join us...New Location 1681 Barnum Avenue, Stratford, CT 06614. This Thursday, February 22nd @6:30-8:30pm we will provide a safe space and place for brothers to confidentially share, heal and evolve into the best versions of ourselves! United Way of Coastal Fairfield County
