2022 Ct State Missionary Baptist Convention Virtual Winter Seminar


May be an image of 3 people and text that says 'Boise Dr.BoiseKimber Kimber President,ConnecticutSt Missionary Baptist Convention CONNECTICUT STATE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CONVENTION 2022 Virtual WINTER emmnar Theme: "Making Sense of All our Losses and Griefs" Friday January 28, 2022 7:00 PM Making Sense of All our Losses and Griefs Facilitator: Rev. Ambrozine M. Snowden First Lady Greater Bethel Missionary Baptist Church, Tampa, FL Christian Educator and Social Worker Special Presentation New Launch of the Howard Thurman Center for Justice and Transformational Ministry Presenter: Bishop Benjamin Watts Pastor Shiloh Baptist Church, New London, CT Professor Hartford International University for Religion and https://usO2web.zoom.us/j/ 85953842159?pwd-WDJISUQyTH pDVXpMNExERTZMciVaQT09 Meeting 859 5384 2159 Passcode: 249922'
Charlie Stallworth, Robert L Smith IV and 6 others
