State Representative Toni Walker


Dear Neighbor,
I wanted to make you aware of a few new laws that will take effect in Connecticut at the start of the new year. My colleagues and I worked hard during the 2021 legislative session to listen to your concerns and advocate for meaningful change in our state. We look forward to getting back to the Capitol soon to continue in those efforts.

Please see below for a list of laws that go into effect on January 1st, 2022:

Parental Rights
  • This is about equity in our laws. The Connecticut Parentage Act (PA 21-25) provides equal treatment under the law to children born to same-sex couples and modernizes the definitions and other legal provisions relating to parenting and maternity.
Paid Family and Medical Leave
  • PA 19-25 is a gamechanger for families.  Applications are already being accepted at, where you can explore details of the groundbreaking family and medical leave program.
Immunization Exemptions
  • Keeping immunocompromised children safe was the driving force behind efforts to increase childhood vaccinations (PA 21-6). Outbreaks of measles in other states show how dangerous it can be to allow our herd immunity to be compromised.  
Insulin Costs
  • PA 20-4 targets price gouging for life-saving insulin. We cap 30-day supplies of insulin at $25 and cap costs on supplies such as syringes, pumps, and blood sugar meters at $100 a month for people who have coverage through state-regulated insurance plans.
Health Equity
  • PA 21-57 recognizes that certain medical devices are more likely to provide more inaccurate readings for individuals of color than individuals who are white. The Department of Public Health will develop educational materials on pulse oximeters (electronic devices that detect blood oxygen levels) to ensure that healthcare providers are aware of this critical information.
Click here for a complete list of laws that will go into effect on Jan. 1.

Toni Walker

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