2021 Year in Review


2021 Year in Review
As we reach the end of another tumultuous and challenging year, we wanted to take a moment to thank our loyal readers and also highlight some of our top content for the year. While it has been another year of loss and displacement for many across the United States, the poverty and opportunity community also saw glimmers of hope in the implementation of new policies—many with bipartisan support—that offer inventive new solutions. From the expanded Child Tax Credit to expanding internet access to continuing efforts to help the food insecure, Spotlight has strived to keep our community informed and enlightened. At Spotlight, we continued in 2021 to do what we do best – collect, curate, and share the latest news, research, data, and opinion on poverty and opportunity with our readers. 
This year, we published dozens of Spotlight Exclusive interviews and commentaries from leading policymakers, researchers, authors, and advocates from across the political spectrum. We co-convened a series of conversations about the pandemic policy landscape, with particular attention to the Child Tax Credit. We continued our partnerships with the Solutions Journalism Network and joined a new project with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in which we will help create and curate more journalism about poverty and opportunity in the state of Mississippi. 

We thank you for your partnership in seeking common ground to find solutions to offer more opportunity for all Americans and wish you and yours a safe, restful, and healthy holiday season.

1. Workforce Development Should Focus More on Fixing Work -- Maureen Conway, Aspen Institute, Mary Alice McCarthy, New America, Alex Camardelle, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

3. Mitigating the Benefits Cliff: A Linchpin for Economic Recovery -- Susan R. Crandall and Olanike Ojelabi, The Center for Social Policy at McCormack Graduate School, UMass Boston

4. What We Can Learn From the Pandemic To Close the Nutrition Gap --  Healthy Food Community of Practice Advisory Team

5. Growing Pains: How Benefit Cliffs Can Derail Government Support -- Heather Koball, National Center for Children in Poverty

7. More Families Could Take Advantage of Broadband Benefit -- Brandon Forester, MediaJustice

8. Doubly Disadvantaged: Rural Communities Left Out In Federal Income Limits Formula -- Joshua Stewart, Fahe, H. Luke Shaefer, Poverty Solutions

Spotlight hosted a webinar focused on what we know about child poverty and how we know it, exploring what the economic and social sciences teach us about gainful approaches to reducing child poverty.
Spotlight held a lively policy debate on extending the expansion of the Child Tax Credit and other proposals to support low-to-moderate-income families

In 2022, Spotlight will continue to bring you the most important data, research, news, and opinions on poverty and economic opportunity in the United States. Thank you for your support, and stay tuned!

Happy Holidays,
The Spotlight Team
