Commentary by Allen Johnston,which I Totally Agree With


There is a Corporate reason that the music On-Air is so blatantly weaponized against our intelligence. Please take into consideration that the radio stations were placed under corporate rule, then the advertising budgets were tied to a corporate based system that effectively took away the local small (read BLACK) business owners ability to advertise. Music was relegated to a chosen few (Music Directors) that only worked for corporate led station owners and destroyed the ability for local (read Independent BLACK music creators) to have their music played. Add to this the closure of local music retail sales and the addition of corporate controlled online music entities and you can easily see what has happened. There are millions of new artists and real positive, emotional songs being created yearly, Spotify alone places over 40,000 songs a day upon it's platform. But real positive music will not sell the products that the stations are built upon. Finally the Corporate owners of the radio station systems have an invested reason to drive traffic not only to their stations but also to their online entities, and the products that they have placed millions of dollars within. Take a moment and listen to the commercials that are being played. None of this was created to assist the Black community, or to have our community LOVE, together, work together or build together.
