Take Ownership Of Your Health


I am more firmly committed than ever to sharing accurate public health information and research info during many of my upcoming radio shows. It seems like never before have so many lies been propagated in the media consciously or unconsciously. Public Health affects everything and everybody. During September I will be discussing Sickle Cell on Monday morning Sept 13th at 11 am, Prostate Cancer, Healthy Streets/Transit,etc. The Healthy streets and safe mobility-transit show will take place on Monday morning September 20th in cooperation with CARE - Community Alliance for Research and Engagement In addition thanks to Mark Brevard who will be discussing organ donation this Friday, September 3rd at 11am as a guest host in my absence. Organ donation is the gift that keeps on giving. Also on Friday September 17th at 11am I will zoom chat with folks from the the New Haven Health Department. We are all connected and we must invest at least some of our personal time in the bank of public good. The returns will benefit all us and future generations. PS. On Friday morning Sept 10th at 11am, I am chatting with Mark Robinson and Raymond B Smaltz about their book https://www.amazon.com/Place-Privilege.../dp/B095NDSW41... . In many respects in my opinion their book is about personal and community mental health. As always all of my shows are archived for your on demand pleasure at Tom Ficklin Radio Show:WNHH-LP 103.5 FM. Remember there is an eternal thread the connects-mental-spiritual-biological and public health. PS2 Racism is a public health crisis and racism kills, incrementally, spontaneously , over time, under time, pre natal and more- special thanks to Garry Tinney who is hosting this Monday's Tom Ficklin Radio Show:WNHH-LP 103.5 FM in my absence at 11am - August 30th , discussing racism in the fire services. IABPFF - International Association of Black Professional Firefighters San Francisco Black Firefighters Indpls. Black Firefighter's Assoc. Dallas Black Firefighters Association Pioneer Black Firefighters Vulcan Society FDNY Vulcan Society of Elizabeth Inc. Boston Society of Vulcan's
May be an image of 4 people, including Tom Ficklin and Leroy Odinga Perry and text
