Yale University Community Breakfast Thursday, January 7, 2021 8-9 AM Held via Zoom: yale.zoom.us/j/98987240324 Or join by phone: (203) 432-9666 Meeting ID: 989 8724 0324


Yale Office of New Haven Affairs


Yale University Community Breakfast

Thursday, January 7, 2021
8-9 AM

Held via Zoom:
    Or join by phone: (203) 432-9666
    Meeting ID: 989 8724 0324

This month’s speaker:

Risë Nelson
Assistant Dean, Yale College
Director, Afro-American Cultural Center


All are welcome!

Monthly breakfasts will be held via Zoom until further notice.

Unless otherwise noted, all breakfasts are held on the first Thursday of the month during the academic year. 
