Join renowned activist and writer Angela Davis and journalist, film-maker and activist Astra Taylor for an urgent conversation about fighting for democracy in a time of crisis.
Their Democracy and Ours A Haymarket Books Reading List
In the age of Coronavirus, it is clearer than ever that American “democracy” is a sham: a system designed to benefit corporations and the mega-rich at the expense of everyone else.
Here we offer 30% OFF a reading list of books that examine the policies, practices, and histories that undergird this so-called “democracy,” and put forward analysis and strategies related to building an actually democratic society—where people wield decision making power over their own lives and communities.
Join Haymarket Books,The Leap, writer & producer Avi Lewis, and others for a conversation on the role of radical utopianism in a time of crisis.
This virtual teach-in will use the animated short film Messages from the Future II: The Years of Repairto help envision a transition to a society in which no one is sacrificed, and everyone is treated as essential.
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