Sankofa Video Books and Cafe

Wednesday, November 4th @6:30pm
Sankofa is proud to partner with Red Sea Press for a unique lecture with Professor Leslie featuring Dr. Ephrahim and Ato Fentahun as interlocutors. 
Teaching the Children of Tewahedo: Africa and the Ethio-Judeo-Christian Legacy  combines a historical perspective that aims at assisting in comprehending the relation of the African Church to Western history and sociological realities of race and ethnicity vis a vis Africa and Africa-descended peoples. Moreover, it may serve as a guide for scholars and evangelists on the significance of this African Church for the African descended, as well as for systematic theology.

Dr. Ts'gye Rachel Titilayo Leslie is a Pan-African scholar born in Paris, France of Jamaican and Nigerian parents, she was educated in the United States at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois and Ludwig Maximillian University in Munich, Germany. Dr. Leslie has dedicated her life to illuminating the contributions of Africans and the African-descended to global history and culture. 


Prof. Ephraim Isaac, Director of Institute of Semitic Studies, Princeton, NJ. 


Mr. Fentahun Tiruneh, Area Specialist, Africa and Middle Eastern Division, Library of Congress

Thank you!

We'd like to thank Antonio Johnson for sharing his inspiration behind You Next: Reflections in Black Barbershops. We had a great time. Don't fret if you missed the conversation. You can still buy the book HERE (great gift for the holidays). 

This Month's Featured Books
Purchase The Dead are Arising
Purchase Race After Technology
Purchase The Brother You Choose
Holiday Gift Ideas
Introducing One Shoe Marching Towards Heaven

The title, One Shoe Marching Towards Heaven
is a koan. Koans function as teaching tools in the Zen tradition for monks working towards enlightenment. The Koans presented here strive to capture the simple voice of African-American wisdom speakers in a form that defies the boundaries of our literature. The numerical arc of the koans corresponds to the I-Ching. This book connects African-American culture with Asian culture. Though China is not referenced in the book, Chinese culture and wisdom functions as third rail of cultural infra-structure that informs much of the work. 

Bro. Yao(Hoke S. Glover III) is a poet and non-fiction writer living in Lanham, MD.  His work has been published in Crab Orchard Review, African-American Review, Ploughshares, Beltway Quarterly, and other journals.  He teaches at Bowie State University in the Department of Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies.  His second book of poetry, One Shoe Marching Towards Heaven, will be published by Africa World Press in Summer 2020.  He is currently working on a book of essays called The Wuhan Soundtrack based on his experience living in Wuhan, China. 
Sankofa Community
And keep checking Sankofa's YouTube Channel for more content!

Dr. Carr - Intro to Afro American Studies
Dr. Carr - Intro to Afro American Studies
You may have already viewed our Sankofa Channel on YouTube where our historic in- store events are available. We are happy to announce that you can now view more amazing content as we ramp up the production of more and varied Lectures by Educators of Africa and African Diaspora. 

Check out this archived item on our YouTube channel almost 6 six years ago today. 
We are, because of you...Stay Safe.
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