Power to Prosecute


Tuesday, September 22, 2020
3pm PST/6pm EST


Dear Tom,

Ongoing state-sanctioned violence against Black communities has led to a growing movement for justice demanding the radical transformation of the criminal legal system. But, oftentimes, these conversations zero in on the role of police in our communities and fail to address the role of District Attorneys and the incredible power they hold to prosecute state violence in ways that disproportionately harm Black people.  
With District Attorney seats across the country on the ballot this November, it’s time we have a community conversation about the changes we want to see to ensure justice and end state-violence against our communities.
On Tuesday, September 22nd, please join Black Futures Lab, Judge Calvin Johnson of 
The People’s DA Coalition in New Orleans, Yoel Haile of the ACLU of Northern California, Michael Saavedra of Dignity and Power Now, and Suffolk County District Attorney, Rachael Rollins, for Power to Prosecute - an important conversation exploring the role District Attorneys play in mass incarceration and upholding police abuse. Reserve your spot today and then on September 22nd, tune in to Zoom or Facebook to watch the event live. 
Now is our chance to unrig the rules and hold those in power accountable -- join us in the fight!
Towards Power,
Black Futures Lab


