Black students are also dying from COVID 1619 Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu


            Black students are also dying from COVID 1619
          Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu

Why do so many Black students associate being smart with acting white? Why are 41 percent of Black students in special education, but only six percent in gifted & talented and advanced placement? Why is the NBA 75 percent black, but only 2 percent of the doctors are black? Are Black students more confident in sports than in science?

What has been the impact of racism on the black psyche? Are many Blacks suffering from Post- Traumatic Slavery Disorder? What exactly is meant by good hair and pretty eyes? What are four benefits of darker skin?

Why do Blacks only spend 3 percent of their income with black businesses? Why is white wealth 10 times greater than black wealth?
What months are white history taught? Black history? What has been the impact on Black youth starting their history in1619 on a plantation? What can Blacks learn from the Jewish community and their mantra; Never Forget? We know 6 million Jews were killed. Do you know how many Blacks died during slavery?

I believe the best way to address the use of the N word is to ask our ancestors. If we asked Nat Turner or Harriet Tubman, what would be their response? If we asked John Lewis when he marched from Selma to Montgomery, what would have been his response? If we asked Frederick Douglass on July 4, 1860, what would have been his response?

Concerning reparations, why did the United States government pay Asians and Native Americans and not African Americans? What is the cost of 5 million Africans working from 1619 to 1865?

Black youth must be taught how to overcome racism. What drives racism? Fear of differences and power. People who are secure are comfortable with differences.

Power concedes nothing without a struggle. Whites have no problems having conferences on diversity, equity, race relations and multiculturalism. What they do not want to discuss is the equitable distribution of power.

I would encourage you to give all your students grades 3-5 and 6-12 COVID 1619. This will be the first generation that will not suffer from Post-Traumatic Slavery Disorder. 
