Arts fo Anti-Racism Pledge




You took the Arts for Anti-Racism pledge! 

 By Taking the pledge you have become part of a cohort group of organizations in CT,  working towards being an Anti-racist organization. Our first ask is that you check out this video.

We will be conducting monthly one on one meetings to take a look at your progress and help to guide you along the way. We will also hold cohort workshops, training and bring in guest speakers to further help you along in this process. It’s important to remember that this is a journey and will take time, commitment, and leadership in order to move this into practice. We want to thank you and congratulate you for taking the first step to becoming an anti-racist organization. 

 We are looking forward to supporting you as you keep your commitment to becoming an anti-racist organization.  If you haven't already, you should post the welcome graphic on your website and social media pages to let your constituency and stakeholders know that anti-racism is one of your organization’s priorities. Once you have posted the welcome graphic please tag us on Instagram Don't forget to check out our events!



The Department of Art & Cultural Affairs, City of New Haven 


Anti-racism: Read, watch, and listen
