The Latino Landslide: Compounded inequities facing Latino children in Illinois Webinar: Tuesday, August 25th, 10:00 -11:30 AM

The Latino Landslide: Compounded inequities facing Latino children in Illinois
Webinar: Tuesday, August 25th, 10:00 -11:30 AM
As the Latinos population in Illinois grows, we continue to see disparities in health and life outcomes. Access to early care and education has been found to improve life outcomes, however, data illustrates that Latino access to these services remains low.
This Tuesday, the Latino Policy Forum and Voices for Illinois Children – Powered by YWCA Metropolitan Chicago will host a webinar where we will explore the data and issues. 
The virtual roundtable, “The Latino Landslide: Compounded inequities facing Latino children in Illinois” will feature the 2020 Illinois KIDS COUNT report on children’s health findings and contextualize the findings given present challenges around COVID-19 and census. 
  The purpose of the roundtable is to:
  • Present report findings on demographics, family well-being, health, family and community, and education indicators, among others.
  • Look at COVID-19 Illinois data
  • Hear from experts on contributors to low Latino access to programs 
  • Participate in a discussion around the data and the new information that’s comes to light 
  • Share action steps that can be taken. 
Registration link for the roundtable can be found below: 
