MSS Talk Back: Issues Facing Our Society, Communities and Homes


MSS Talk Back: Issues Facing Our Society, Communities, & Homes
Monday, August 31, 2020, at 7 PM Eastern
It's your turn to sound off with Carole Copeland Thomas about the top issues facing our country and our world. No matter what, your opinion matters in a dynamically changing world. Information is power, and you hold the key to its distribution!
Spread the Word! It's FREE Here's the link to Register:
Image may contain: Carole Copeland Thomas, text that says 'Carole Copeland Thomas The Multicultural Symposium Series Invite You ONE HOUR MSS WEBINAR MONDAY AUG 31, 2020 7:00 PM EDT MSS TALK BACK: ISSUES FACING ÖUR COCMUNITIES HOMES YOUR TURN TO SPEAK OUT with Carole Copeland Thomas The DNC & RNC Conventions Black Lives Matter, COVID-19 Update Election Diversity They Effective? Jacob Blake Shooting Kenosha Uprisings Are You Surviving the Pandemic? turn to sound off with Carole Copeland Thomas about the top issues our country and our world. No matter what, opinion Information the key power and you hold distribution! FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC REGISTER HERE:'
