Teachers Talking Returning to school safely- Monday June 22nd, 2020 10 am EST WNHH lp 103.5 fm

Friends Teachers Talking series returns on 103.5 on the Tom Ficklin 103.5 FM Show to talk about "Returning to school safely in this COVID-19 in the Fall.
Hint: We are not hearing what is needed to return safely from our legislators and policymakers. Tune in via the world wide web https://www.newhavenindependent.org/ View in and harmony in with good vibes at https://www.facebook.com/NewHavenIndependentTom Fickin Radio Shows are archved for your on demand viewing pleasure at https://www.facebook.com/tomficklinradio
Hint: We are not hearing what is needed to return safely from our legislators and policymakers.Turn in on Monday Morning at 10:AM for Teachers Talking Returning to school safely with Rose Reyes Michelle D. McKnight
Jesse P. Turner It should not be a return to normal with slash school budgets in black And Brown communities in this COVID-19 era. We all want to return, but children deserve to return as safe as possible. Our silence and complicity compromises the health of our children, their families, and teachers,

Dr. Jesse P. Turner
Moral Monday CT Education Ambassador

Shelly M. Jones, Robert Goodrich and 2 others

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