Hi New Haven fam! I wanted to share an app that my team has created to support stably housed youth in New Haven, called DreamKit. Through the app, we connect youth with virtual resources, financially reward their growth, and share their progress with the community.
DreamKit’s goal is to share virtual activities so youth can remain productive during quarantine, and these activities are meant to help youth build personal, professional, educational, and social skills. These online activities range from articles about financial management to videos about stress coping. All activities are created by the DreamKit team or other New Haven youth serving agencies. DreamKit members receive $5 gift cards for completing online activities, and build profiles that reflect their progress to be shared with employers, landlords, and mentors.
I've attached our flyer -- please share this with anyone you might know under 25 who is at risk of unstable housing or with organizations working with this population.
For more information about our mission, team, and fundraising efforts, please visit our website at dreamkitapp.com. You also can email me at marina@dreamkitapp.com.
Thank you! Spreading so much love to you all during this time!