Awakening the World to Oneness

Welcome to the “Awakening the World to Oneness” Podcast, brought to you by Humanity's Team!
Episode 17: Thinking: The Unspoken Crisis
Steve Farrell with Gregg Braden
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Steve Farrell
Gregg Braden
“This pivotal moment of change is also the opening for new opportunities.”
This eye-opening statement is one of many that visionary scientist and best-selling author Gregg Braden shares with us in this special rebroadcast podcast episode, “Thinking: The Unspoken Crisis.”
In the interview, Steve Farrell, Worldwide Executive Director of Humanity’s Team, talks with Gregg about the shift of awakening that’s sweeping across the globe with a fierce swiftness sometimes interpreted as chaotic, unsettling, and, for many, outright demanding.
They discuss Gregg’s book, Resilience from the Heart, which encourages the reader to “think and live differently.”
We can live each day from one of two basic thoughts, Gregg says:
  1. The “I don’t know” perspective: things are falling apart and I don’t know what to do about it
  2. The “I do know” perspective: things appear to be falling apart, and I see it as a glorious opening and opportunity to change
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It’s true. We can cite any number of things that are problematic for some or for many on the planet: hunger, homelessness, economics, isolation to name but a few.
And for each problem named, we can choose to open the door to possibilities by having the “I do know” perspective.
So what is it that we know? Gregg says that we, collectively, have technological solutions for every perceived problem:
We know how to grow enough food to feed every human being on the planet.
We know how to create sustainable economics.
We know how to create loving and supportive communities.
When we spend our energy and other resources trying to reclaim and recreate a past “normal,” we miss the opportunity to embrace and take action on everything we know is true—our New Normal.
In this new normal, Gregg says, “...there’s a willingness to embrace new ideas, accept new ideas, sense you can make a difference…”
Some of the new ideas aren’t new at all. But if with a loving sigh we release the old thinking that life stands on the ground of competition and aggression, and with our next loving breath fully embrace and claim the ancient ideas of Oneness, connection, and cooperation as true—now fully supported by scientific evidence—We begin to create a new world, the New Spirituality, Heaven on Earth.
“Oneness is cooperation and loving Presence,” Steve says,
Tune in to Thinking: The Unspoken Crisis to hear Gregg and Steve delve into these topics and more…
  • Nature’s Turning Point
  • The First Principle of Resilience: Spare Capacity
  • Expanded Resilience: thriving in extremes through honesty
  • Heart Rate Variability and resilience
“The world is pushing us to better understand ourselves,” Gregg says.
Do you see openings and possibilities instead of closed doors and problems?
Are you willing to admit there’s another way of thinking?
Click the podcast player button below to hear more from Gregg and Steve about how they stand in the thinking of positivity and light no matter what’s going on in the world around them.
(And if you’d like to learn more from Gregg about how changes in your thinking can help you access new pathways to healing and happiness—along with Bruce Lipton and Lynne McTaggart in our brand-new free science series—see the P.S. below.)
Note: this is an archived recording and any websites, links or events mentioned may no longer be active. Thank you!
We Are Here,
Karen Gordon and Tim Noe
Humanity's Team
P.S. To learn more about our new free online video series, “Smarter, Stronger, and Faster” with Gregg Braden, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., and Lynne McTaggart, go here.
P.P.S. To subscribe to our podcast on a variety of platforms, go to our Episode List page here, and to enjoy over 400 more conversations with Steve and his inspiring guests, visit the Humanity's Team Community Circle membership page here.
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