Building Black Futures Together


Fuel the Kids

Black Futures Micro-Grant Spotlight
Fuel the Kids winner of CLLCTIVLY’s #bmoreHERstory Micro-Grant!
Fuel the Kids mission is to provide our students in Baltimore with the tools they need to be dreamers and the captains of their future.

Danielle Torain to lead Open Society Institute-Baltimore

“It is a tremendous honor to join the OSI-Baltimore team, and at such a pivotal moment,” said Torain. “This is an important year for Baltimore and for the field of philanthropy as we reflect on the fifth anniversary of the Uprising and important lessons from our long history of place-based investment. I look forward to working with the team, our local and national partners, and Baltimore’s residents and community champions to thoughtfully mine these lessons and chart our path forward. The future is bright for our beloved hometown and this moment is critical." 

CLLCTIV SOUP is a micro-granting & crowdsourcing dinner series celebrating and supporting Black-led social change in greater Baltimore.

CLLCITVLY launched in January 2019 and hit the ground running. Since our launch, we have enrolled 100+ organizations in our asset map/directory, 100,000+ website visits, received 90 grant submissions, launched our inaugural day of giving with 20 organizations, and invested over $20,000 in Black-led organizations in Baltimore.

This year would not have been possible without the support of our advisory board: Rev. Dr. Heber Brown, III, Pickett Slater Harrington, Tanay Lynn Harris, Dayvon Love, Krystle Starvis, Danielle Torain, and Granville Templeton. Also special shoutout to our research partners, Dr. Stephanie Boddie of Baylor University and Dr. Tracy Rone of Morgan State University.

I am also thankful for the support of my dear sister, Dr. Charlene Sinclair and the Center for Community Change for providing us with a generous seed grant, John Brothers and the T. Rowe Price Foundation, my family at Old Money, New System, and, of course, individual donors like you! CLLCTIVLY is a grassroots volunteer-run organization. This would not have been possible without the support from many of you!

While local headlines often seem to lead with doom and gloom, we are committed to amplifying the best of Baltimore, those that often go unnoticed and underfunded.

We are looking forward to working with you and launching new programs in 2020. Stay tuned!

In love & service,

Jamye Wooten
Why is the focus on Black-led organizations?
Self-determination is an abiding and essential social justice principle, as expressed in the maxim that those most affected by an issue must be at the forefront of resolving that issue. The call for strengthening the infrastructure for Black-led social change is fundamentally a call for philanthropy to fully actualize this most basic principle of social justice, racial equity and human rights.
Building a powerful Black-led infrastructure for social change will best ensure the changes necessary to create thriving Black communities and to dismantle anti-Black structural racism. 
This is what is meant when people say, “When Black folks get free, we all get free!” Free to be our true and full selves. Free to strive together as a broader human family that maximizes the talents of all for the good of all. (The Case for Funding Black-Led Social Change)

Research shows that annually, approximately 95% of the $60 billion in US foundation funding goes to white-led organizations and that Black-led organizations only receive 2%.  
Launched in January 2019. Look at what we have accomplished together.
Look who's talking about CLLCTIVLY.
Look out for Amplify in 2020!

Building Black Futures Together.

CLLCTIVLY is launching our BLACK FUTURES 360 GIVING CIRCLE! Our Giving Circle offers opportunities for the community to explore our common interests, set giving priorities and pool our resources to make a greater impact.

Black Futures 360 Giving Circle is about connecting people with causes that matter to them. Our members pool their time, talent and treasure to support Black-led organizations serving in greater Baltimore.

Want to learn more about Black Futures 360 Giving Circle and attend our first member meeting?
Email us at

Join our Founders Circle by pledging $1,000 for 2020!


We are creating an ecosystem to foster collaboration, increase social impact and amplify the voices of Black-led organizations in Greater Baltimore.
CLLCTIVLY is a hyper-local social change ecosystem using an asset-based framework to focus on racial equity, narrative change, and social connectedness.
Our mission is to end the fragmentation and duplication of programs, to learn from and about each other, and to be a resource for the Greater Baltimore community that seeks to find, fund and partner with Black social change organizations.
Copyright © 2020 CLLCTIVLY, All rights reserved.
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