CHN November/December Edition 2019


"We are escaping."––Enola G. Aird, CHN Founder and President
The Emotional Emancipation Revolution
By Enola G. Aird
I try to live in a state of constant gratitude, and so I want to take a few moments to celebrate the promise of Emotional Emancipation (EE) Circles, the self-help support group process that is resonating with Black people all around the world. Continue Reading.
Omaha Truth Tour Stop Photos and Reflections October 24 - 27, 2019
"We ain't crazy. We're just living in a crazy system."
"The past is the present and it will be the future, if we do not disrupt it."
"We are about dismantling and destroying the mindset that has dehumanized Black People."
"It is time to put healing at the top of the global African agenda, so that we can breathe and get into rhythm of who we are."
"I've never been so proud to be a Black person as I am right now."
"The EE Circle is really the first time we are really confronting our situation at the deepest level as Black people."
New Initiative: #SpeakYourTruthThursdays
#SpeakYourTruthThursdays is a new CHN social media initiative that went into effect on Thursday, November 21, 2019. The goal: to engage the global Black community in creating a new vision of ourselves fully grounded in the truth of our humanity. We want to build a collection of positive and empowering declarations and statements about Black humanity to share with the Diaspora through CHN’s social media posts, programs, banners, and tee-shirts, etc.

The concept is simple: every Thursday will be dedicated to naming truths about Black humanity on CHN’s social media platforms. For example “We are a beautiful people.” “We are multi-faceted human beings.” “We are caring.” “We are creating a new world for our children.” 

We invite you to post as often as you would like, and please invite your family and friends to join the conversation.

  1. Share on Thursdays
  2. Truth Statements must be positive 
  3. Truth Statement must be Black- African-centered
  4. Truth Statements can be quotes or original (please identify the author in either case)
  5. If you are so moved, please share a short explanation of your Truth statement, and do feel free to engage (respectfully of course) with the statements contributed by others. 
  6. By submitting your statement, you consent to CHN’s right to share it as CHN sees fit so long as that use is to advance the aims of the global grassroots movement for emotional emancipation. 
  7. CHN reserves the right to remove posts that are at odds with the aims of this initiative and the mission and vision of CHN.

These criteria are subject to change at CHN's discretion.
For more information, please contact us at
Defy the Lie and Embrace the Truth
to Flourish While Black
Join us. Take the pledge to Defy the Lie of Black Inferiority and Embrace the Truth of Black Humanity. Each pledge will make us stronger as a global African community.

Taking the pledge will make you part of a growing global culture of resistance that is standing up to—and that will ultimately extinguish—the lie. 
LEGAL NOTICES: Valuing Black Lives Global Summit, Global Truth Campaign and Tour, Defy the Lie, Embrace the Truth, Flourish While Black, Emotional Emancipation Circles, EE Circles, EECs, Breathe, Baby, Breathe, Clearing the Way for Back Children to Flourish, Community Healing Days, and all related Community Healing Network copyrights, marks, and logos are copyrights and service marks owned exclusively--and stewarded--by Community Healing Network, Inc., and may not be used without its prior written permission. Local Global Truth Tour and Community Healing Days hosts and organizers, EEC facilitators, trainers, hosts, and organizers, and others in similar roles are wholly independent, and are not employees, agents, partners, or affiliates of Community Healing Network, Inc., or CHN's primary collaborator, the Association of Black Psychologist
