Ficklin Media Note: ( as I think about the importance of Nov 5th- the Hank Parker Campaign continues to resonate and inspire in my mind )
Parker, in that first stab at landing the office of mayor, ran against then-aldermanic Majority Leader Bart Guida, the party leaders’ choice, and Charles Gill, with Guida the winner.
The African-American community was fighting for a voice in the party, long dominated by Irish and Italian power brokers.
Parker received 36 percent of the vote, won 10 wards, and seven Democratic aldermen — dubbed “the Magnificent Seven,” were elected. He ran again in 1971 against Guida and received 42 percent of the vote and 10 wards.
Parker entered the fray for a third time in 1979, while he was still treasurer, in a three-way Democratic primary with then-Mayor Frank Logue and his challenger, former Police Chief Biagio DeLieto, who won the election. Jayuan Carter