The First Romans Were Black People Called The Etruscans [Read Full History]

The statues and art of the Etruscans revealed them to be Africans – black people. History shows that they were a sensual and creative people. The city of Rome was originally known as Ra Ouma which means a ” place protected by Ra “.
"The African element played a major part in Rome’s history. The Blacks were everything, from charioteers to soldiers, generals, and Emperors. Rome’s famous Oracles were the Sibyls, African prophetesses, who wrote the famous Sibylline Prophecies. These writings were later plagiarized by the Christians. It was the African Sibyls who built the original Vatican, which was a temple to Mami Wata, goddess of the sea"[...]

The fight to reclaim the pride and heritage of the Black man has been a tedious, but yet fulfilling battle.
