Afro -Descendant Nation

The Afro-Descendant Nation was at the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties called by House of Representative from Texas Sheila Jackson Lee. Out of the 14 members on the House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties, which is conducting the hearing, Jackson Lee is sole black representative.

We went to Washington without expectations since we are moving on the Self-Repair process of our Nationhood status and our indigenous identity to democratically control our community assets and to get into the position of winning full Reparations by suing CONGRESS and the UNITED STATES.

We do not expect Congress to suddenly hand us over 14 Trillion dollars worth of wealth and neither should you because Congress is a Defendant and they know it.

Each man, woman, and child over 7 years old must FIGHT for REPARATIONS. We must CONFEDERATE our National Interest so that we control our city democracies and rural communities, economies, schools, police, fire, and city departments. That is the FIRST STEP towards healing. Liberty is the first thing one does to alleviate "Slavery Effects". Liberty is healing and transformative and we know that.

I want you to obtain our book, "Civil Rights to Human Rights" and it will explain that reparations are won by NATIONS and PEOPLES.  Every one of the Reparations cases has been thrown out of Federal court because of the "Lack of Standing" or authority to bring the case and the "Statute of Limitations" because we are not suing in the right capacity or even in the right Court. Do you think that the Jewish people would have won reparations in a German Court?

The Jewish people obtained "Collective Reparations"  not in a court but as a Nation in the International Settlement of Banks. Nonetheless, we went to support our Civil Rights brothers and Sisters because we understand the value of a UNITED FRONT.

However, we don't want you to think for one minute that we do not understand that we have a winning international approach that is based on support from the grassroots by marches, demonstrations, and Civil Disobedience. We don't want you to think that hearings in a Civil Rights Subcommittee would be able to give us the remedy of reparations so that we will have a Guarantee of Non-Repetition. Yes, I was there as a fly on the wall.
I had gained entrance to the Hearings earlier. Atty Shabazz made sure that I was seated and I was at the door to make sure Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party was seated. In fact, for some strange reason, I became a go-to person for seating people. I am the gentleman standing near the door.
Brother Ta-Hanesi Coates explained that America was a thief of our labor and practiced White Supremacy after Slavery by continued thievery and economic exclusion.
The biggest story is what happened after the hearing when we all got together at the Metropolitan Church and RECONCILED. The Church was jam-packed with the entire spectrum of Civil Rights groups, Sheila Jackson Lee came as well as Dr. Julianne Malveaux and we reconciled our forces. We support our brothers and Sisters and the fight has just begun.

THE PROGRESSIVE WING OF THE REPARATIONS MOVEMENT HAS NOW JOINED THE CIVIL RIGHTS WING. Malik Zulu Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party and Black Lawyers for Justice and Dr. Mustafa Ansari, Chancellor of the Afro-Descendant Institute of Human Rights Join Dr. Ron Daniels of the National African American Reparations Commission and the ACLU at The forum “Healing and Reconciliation: HR-40 and the Promise of Reparations for African Americans”, which took place at the Historical Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC, immediately following the important and historic Congressional hearing on HR-40, bill to form a commission to study and develop reparation proposals.

WE will be on the Commission and we will propose triggering legislation. entitled HR.41, HR.42, HR. 43, 44 and HR. 45 as a test of the Congressional backbone to get this done. 


We are using the International Process of Reparations as set out in our Book "Civil Rights to Human Rights". You will never spend a better 20.00 as we lay out the facts and the process of Reparations. Available at,

We want you to participate by attending our WEBINAR TOMORROW at 11:00 A.M EST and Saturday, June 25, and June 29th at  1:00 P.M EST

We know this is short notice but the Webinars will be available for replay on my YouTube Channel: "Dr. Mustafa Ansari".

WE WILL BE BACK IN WASHINGTON, D.C at the NATIONAL PRESS CLUB on MONDAY JULY 1. 2019 with our LAWYERS, and SCHOLARS to EXPLAIN REPARATIONS so that you can understand what we are after. 


One last thing.

Registration for Classes as "Human Rights Director" is open and you can apply at This will prepare you for a position as a State or City Facilitator, or Human Rights Director of Services 


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