CT Report Card on Health Equity Among Boys & Men of Color

UConn Health Disparitis Institute invites you to the CT Boys & Men of Color (BMoC) Data Walk & Town Hall  on June 12th from 5:30 – 7:30pm, at the Hartford Public Library.  This event seeks to foster interactions among stakeholders from different sectors to explore and determine actionable steps toward moving the needle on achieving health equity among BMOC.
BMoC have considerable untapped potential for contributing to economic growth, vitality, competitiveness, and social innovations in Connecticut and throughout our nation. Advancing health equity among boys and men of color first requires documenting the most disparate health outcomes and the broader social conditions driving them.  
The CT Boys & Men of Color Data Walk & Town Hall participants will be able to:
·         Recognize male-role specific barriers and fortify collective action unique to males from underserved populations groups; and
·         Based on the statewide publically available data from HDI’s CT Report Card on Health Equity among Boys and Men of Color, leverage statewide and local strategic planning initiatives aimed at reducing health disparities, improving healthcare quality, and transforming service delivery models for the health and well-being of boys and men.
The event is free and open to the public. 

Light refreshments will be served.
