Better Health Conference

Thursday, June 6, 2019
Connecticut Convention Center, Hartford CT 
The Better Health Conference is just ONE WEEK away!

We look forward seeing you on June 6th for New England's premier patient engagement event!  It's not too late to register for an exciting day of keynote speakers, breakout sessions, networking opportunities, and innovative research poster displays!
Introducing Closing Keynote Speaker:
Kevin Carr, MD
 Chief Executive Officer - National Coordination Center   
Lessons Learned in Implementing Best Practices in Transformation at Scale 

Click button above or here to register

Visit the CT Partners for Health website for more information on the conference including the agenda and sponsors.
Thursday, June 6, 2019 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM EDT

Connecticut Convention Center
100 Columbus Blvd
Hartford, CT 06103

Premier Sponsor:

VIP Sponsor:

The Better Health Conference is hosted by:
In collaboration with:

Three sponsor vendor tables are still available!
Click here or above to view sponsorship options

