36th Ancient Kemetic Studies Conference April 18 - April 21, 2019

36th Ancient Kemetic Studies Conference
April 18 - April 21, 2019
April 18-April 21, 2019
10:00 AM
Medgar Evers College
Academic Building #1
1638 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Transcending Our Time of Trouble to Build for Eternity
In the spirit of our Ancestors, our Pan-African global family, and the yet unborn, ASCAC extends a warm invitation for you to join us for our 36th Annual Ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) Studies Conference. Our 2019 theme is African Rhythms for an African Renaissance: Transcending Our Time of Trouble to Build for Eternity. In April of 2019, we will gather in Brooklyn, NY at Medgar Evers College to celebrate our past 35 years of existence and to not only renew our moral obligation and responsibility to counter the political, cultural, and psychological oppression of African people, but to also continue to promote, preserve, and disseminate African cultural and intellectual enlightenment that sustains our humanity and is the foundation of our liberation.

Dr. Mario Beatty, International President, ASCAC

For additional information, please go to www.ascac.org for additional information such as program times, conference details, hotel and transportation, etc.
The mission of the Center for Black Literature is to expand, broaden, and enrich the public’s knowledge and aesthetic appreciation of the value of Black literature. For more information about The Center for Black Literature and CBL events and programs, please visit us online
