CT Coalition to End Homelessness

January 2019
Advocacy Reboot Webinar: New Leadership, New Resolve, New Opportunities 
Thursday, January 31 - Webinar (New, rescheduled date)
Join Kate Robinson from Gallo & Robinson, Kiley Gosselin from the Partnership for Strong Communities, and Richard Cho and Sarah Fox from CCEH, as they give an overview of the high stakes election season. They will also provide an in-depth analysis of the 2019 state-level election outcomes and what they mean for the path forward on our 2019 Reaching Home Campaign legislative priorities in the state.
*If you were previously registered, you do not need to re-register*
February 2019
STRIVE Family Mediation Training
Tuesday, February 5 & Wednesday, February 6 - Hartford
STRIVE (Support to Reunite, Involve and Value Each Other) is a psycho-educational intervention for reunifying families and their adolescents who have run away. Developed by Dr. Norweeta Milburn, STRIVE is a evidence-based approach to family mediation developed by ETR (Education, Training and Research), a non-profit out of UCLA. Project STRIVE aims to intervene in the lives of newly homeless youth and young adults to prevent them from spiraling into chronic homelessness, by successfully reunifying them with their parents or guardians. The CT Coalition to End Homelessness is excited to offer a two-day training on this innovative approach to prevent and help end youth homelessness led by Connecticut's very own STRIVE trainers and is open to all who work with families and/or youth. Attendance on both days is required for STRIVE Certification and CEUs.

Adopting a Cultural Humility Approach
Monday, February 11 - Webinar
"Adopting a Cultural Humility Approach" is presented by the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness in partnership with the CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Presenting is Ellen Boynton
Director of the Office of Multicultural Health Equity at the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.

Shelter Diversion Training
Tuesday, February 19 - Hamden, CT
Shelter Diversion is a strategy that prevents homelessness at the front door by helping people identify immediate, alternative housing arrangements to shelter and, if necessary, connecting them with services and financial assistance to help them return to permanent housing. Diversion programs can reduce the number of households becoming homeless, the demand for shelter beds, and the size of program wait lists.
March 2019
Administering the SPDAT
Wednesday, March 6 - New Haven, CT
The SPDAT, or Service-Prioritization-Decision-Assistance-Tool, is an evidence-informed approach to assessing the acuity of an individual’s or family’s homelessness. The tool is used to help case workers and service providers prioritize who to serve next based on their need and identify the areas in the person/family’s life where support is most likely necessary in order to avoid further homelessness and housing instability. To administer the SPDAT, you must have attended a full training.

Reducing Reproductive Health Risk Barriers in Women Experiencing Homelessness
Monday, March 11 - Webinar
"Addressing Reproductive Health in Women Experiencing Homelessness" is presented by the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness in partnership with the CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Presenting is Jordana Frost, DrPH, MPH, CPH, CD(DONA), Director of Maternal Child Health and Government Affairs, Connecticut and Rhode Island March of Dimes.

Motivation Interviewing, Two-Day Workshop
Thursday, March 28 & Friday, March 29 - Middletown, CT
These two days of fast paced interactive learning will provide you with foundational knowledge and skills to use Motivational Interviewing (MI) with your clients. Across a broad range of care settings, being able to successfully engage and harness clients own motivations for making important life changes are key elements for success. The most efficient way to understand the dynamics of the MI model, and to develop competency, is through practice -- learning by doing. Through a series of structured learning activities that include role-plays, real-plays, video demonstrations, and small group exercises, you will be progressively guided to improve your skills from basic to more advanced levels. Most importantly, you will be able to transfer and incorporate newly learned MI skills into your real-world interactions. Instructing this two-day workshop is expert Raymond Chip Tafrate, PhD, a clinical psychologist and Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Central Connecticut State University
Additional Upcoming Trainings
May 16, 2019 - Annual Training Institute
Registration opens February 4th!
Visit our event calendar for updated information on upcoming trainings.
For questions contact training@cceh.org
Visit CCEH.org for resources and information on trainings. 
