January 2019
Astrological Edge
by Stephanie Shea
Happy New Year! Be ready to hit the ground running! For the first time in several years, we will be supported in initiating New Year’s resolutions right away, as we are clear of inner-planet retrograde cycles at this time. The year 2018 was marked by more retrograde cycles than usual, which encouraged us to resolve unfinished business from the past. If you had trouble getting new ideas off the ground last year, you will be happy to hear that 2019 will offer the forward-moving energies you’ve been waiting for.
A powerful Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 5th will provide support for taking charge of our lives and be especially good for career-related ambitions. We’ll also experience a Lunar Eclipse in Leo on the 21st, which will magnify matters of the heart, making it easier to see a clear path forward in significant relationships. After Uranus stations direct on the 6th, we will be ready to move our ideas from the brainstorming phase into initial development.
Jupiter and Neptune were in a harmonious trine for much of 2018, but by the end of last month they were moving into a challenging square. As we enter 2019, religious zealotry could make the headlines, and we’ll be forced to examine the need to promote inclusiveness as an antidote to extremism. Meanwhile, Saturn and Neptune will remain in favorable sextile to each other, setting a tone of grounded idealism for the year ahead.
Capricorn Solar Eclipse: Taking Charge of Our Lives in New Ways
The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on January 5 will carry themes relating to authority figures, government, structure, business, and releasing fear. It’s likely that people in positions of power will feel pressured by this energy. There are several ways they could respond. If those in leadership positions fear change, this could be a time where...Members can read the FULL COLUMN HERE.
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The exact time of the January 5 New Moon Solar Eclipse is 8:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. The first 8 hours after a New Moon is exact time are the most powerful for wishing, but up to 24 hours after will still work. For the exact best times for writing your wishes during any month’s New Moon, check out www.janspiller.com within the three days prior to each New Moon. New Moon Power Days within the three days prior to each New Moon.