The Law & Policy of AI, Robotics and Telemedicine

Save the Date for an Interdisciplinary Roundtable on

Join leading academics, lawyers, physicians, regulators, and health technology entreprenuers to discuss questions at the heart of the modern and future practice of medicine: How have new technologies changed the practice of medicine and the doctor-patient relationship? What are the upsides and the risks of big data in health care? How, if at all, should regulators intervene?
Register Now

Friday, November 2, 2018
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Yale Law SchoolSterling Law Building, Room 129
127 Wall Street, New Haven

Free & Open to the Public - Please Register to Attend
For a Full Agenda & Panelist List See the Roundtable Website
Roundtable panels will explore:

  • The Need for New Regulation: Privacy Law, the FDA, and Beyond  
  • Big Data in Health Care: Challenges, Biases, and Benefits
  • Business Leaders and Physicians Putting AI, Robotics, and Telemedicine into Action
  • Expanding Care to New Populations: The Promises and Perils of New Technology 
  • AI, Robotics, and the Practice of Medicine
Hosted by: the Information Society Project and 
the Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy at Yale Law School

Supported by: the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund at Yale Law School 
Email the Solomon Center for more information 
Visit the Solomon Center's website for news and events
