REVOLUTION Newspaper #548, June 18, 2018
El periódico Revolución sale cada semana en inglés y en español. Haz clic aquí para leer la edición en español. La edición semanal en línea de Revolución en español se publica los miercoles por la noche.
We ARE Building a Movement for Revolution!
June 18, 2018
June 15, 2018
STOP the Demonization, Criminalization and Deportation of Immigrants and the Militarization of the Border!
Organizing for an ACTUAL Revolution—Getting Involved Now
This July 4:
“America Was NEVER Great – We Need A REAL Revolution”
June 18, 2018
"Yesterday, we took a challenge and invitation to the people of Harlem: Enlist in the revolution."
The U.S. military fucks over people in more than 180 countries, raining down terror and wrecking societies, all in the service of plunder and domination. It is the battering ram of imperialism. The refugees at the border right now, being ripped from their kids? They come from countries ravaged by U.S. military intervention and “aid.” And in all the news about Korea, you never hear that the U.S. “armed services” murdered 3 MILLION (!) Korean people and leveled 90% of the buildings above two stories.
June 18, 2018
Jeff Sessions quotes Romans 13:1 to justify ripping children from the parents. Read BA to dig deeper into HOW the Bible justifies all kinds of horror, and what the Christian fascists now running the U.S. are REALLY about.
Excerpts from AWAY WITH ALL GODS!Unchaining the Mind and Radically Changing the World by Bob Avakian
Bob Avakian: "The Christian Fascists Now In Power"
Across The Borderline
(featuring Bob Avakian) | Outernational
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!
by Sarah Roark, reprinted from Medium
June 18, 2018
By Chaitali Sen, reprinted from Medium
June 18, 2018
(Left: Four Hundred Years of Free Labor, Joe Minter [American, born Birmingham, Alabama, 1943])
“American Crime” is a regular feature of Each installment focuses on one of the 100 worst crimes committed by the U.S. rulers—out of countless bloody crimes they have carried out against people around the world, from the founding of the U.S. to the present day.
Revolution Club "Points of Attention"
Read at 2018 "America Was Never Great—We Need Revolution" Memorial Day Picnic
Write to us with your ideas and your activities; share what you are thinking and doing with the movement for revolution—
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WWW.REVCOM.US/REVOLUTION NEWSPAPER brings alive a scientific analysis of major events in society and the world—why they are happening, how different events and developments relate to each other, how all this relates to the system we live under, where people's interests lie in relation to all this, how revolution is in fact the solution to all this and what the goals of that revolution are, how different viewpoints and programs relate, positively or negatively, to the revolution that is needed, and how people can move, and are moving, to build toward that revolution. Revolution is the guide, the pivot, the crucial tool in drawing forward, orienting, training, and organizing thousands, and influencing millions—fighting the power, and transforming the people, for revolution—hastening and preparing for the time when we can go for the whole thing, with a real chance to win.