In various religious traditions, the devil, and demons have served as mythological and literary symbols for the many destructive forces always present within finite reality. Early Malcolm X and others that subscribe to the myth of Yacub are unquestionably wrong for asserting that white people were created to be a race of devils. However, an honest assessment of western civilization reveals that few forces have been more destructive in the modern world than the concept of whiteness.[2] Thus, religiously speaking, it is not an extreme claim to assert that whiteness is demonic. Whiteness as a concept is so much deeper than certain people having fair and lighter skin tones. When people talk about whiteness as an idea, it typically refers to the modern assumption which states that Anglo-Saxon peoples and cultures are superior to all other peoples and cultures. Additionally, whiteness states that Anglo-Saxon ideals should serve as the objective standard by which everything else is evaluated. Anything that is incapable of adjusting or assimilating to this standard must be destroyed. This idea of whiteness has been at the center of almost every large-scale human catastrophe in the modern world, including colonialism around the globe, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the American Civil War, the Jim and Jane Crow American South, WWII, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, the War on Terror, etc. At this point in history, religiously speaking, to not understand whiteness as a demonic force may be negligent and irresponsible.