The Art of Medicine: Sickle Cell Anemia

The Art of Medicine: Sickle Cell Anemia
When: Thursday, February 15, 2018 / 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Where: The Anlyan Center, 300 Cedar St. (Yale Medical Campus)
Description: Critically Acclaimed artist Hertz Nazaire has made waves with his art depicting Sickle Cell Anemia. His vibrant and moving artwork in patient advocacy has been featured on media outlets such as NPR and MIT Review, for its ability to connect the patient experience and the need for innovative research in under-funded research areas.
Also joining us will be YSM Associate Professor Farzana Prashankar, MD who will present advances in sickle cell anemia research at Yale and James Rawlings Board Chair of the SCDAA of Southern Connecticut and former Greater New Haven NAACP Chapter President who will present his organization’s effort to advocate for patient education and greater research for underserved patient populations.
Dinner will be provided.
Sponsor: The Yale School of Medicine SNMA/LMSA
Open To: General Public
Admission: Free
