It's a movement, not a moment. Last night was a prime example, that there is power in numbers. Thank you to everyone who attended as well as spoke during the "Rally for Justice Press Conference" in front of the West Hartford Police Station. But, our work is far from over.
We must continue to seek #JusticeForJazzy in a world where her attacker 18 year old Brianna Brochu has essentially been given a slap on the wrist for her egregious behavior against Chennel "Jazzy" Rowe.
Now is the Time. Not Tomorrow! Not Next Week but TODAY to make our voices heard. Continue to channel your #BlackGirlMagic and #BlackBoyJoy to reach our highest potential for justice. In the Words of Auntie Maxine, we are reclaiming our time.
Here is your moment ! Our revolution will not be televised. It will be Live and Direct. Call the Hartford District Attorney to express that Brianna Brochu should be charged with intimidation based on bigotry or bias in the SECOND degree.
On Wednesday, November 15th, 2017. We will not only #PackTheCourt, but show up in person ! Brianna Brochu Court appearance will be held at Hartford Superior Court, 101 Lafayette Street, Hartford, CT at 9AM.
And as always, thank you for being apart of the L A R G E S T and the OLDEST. The BADDEST and the BOLDEST. The MOST LOVED and MOST HATED. The MOST FEARED and MOST REVERED. The MOST CUSSED and
Don't limit yourself to a hashtag, what your action ?
Are you fired up, and ready to go?
Best Regards,Akia S. Callum
President and Founder of the Black Student Union (Post University)
|2nd Vice President | NAACP CT State Youth & College Division|
CEO of Event Visions & Design | CEO The Social Network