Celestial Weather Bulletin for September 24th, 2017- Rich Humbert

Celestial Weather Bulletin for September 24th, 2017
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Note to Readers:
The Celestial Weather affects us depending on the relation between our own horoscope and the positions of the planets in our sky. If your chart is connected, the weather will have a strong impact on your life and the energy will enter your life and, through you, the lives of those around you. If your chart is not connected, the weather will happen out in your world and you’ll observe the energies and be less affected. Sometimes we’re actors and other times we’re audience.
You can follow Celestial Weather on Twitter at http://twitter.com/celestialweathr I use Twitter to point to examples of Celestial Weather in the media.
This Week:
When Jupiter passes opposite Uranus on Wednesday, it will be the third and last in a series that started last December and reformed again in March. The social shock and awe we’ve experienced since last winter is symbolized by these tense actions of Jupiter and Uranus. Jupiter works the rules of society, the legal system, and the mores behind the laws. He is his most litigious in legal Libra. This blend of Jupiter with Libra stands for the working rules of society. In the months since last Christmas time, they have been been challenged by the energy of Uranus, the rebellious iconoclast, working the insolent solo sparks of Aries fire. Donald Trump was born with his Sun aligned with Uranus and with Mars rising.
We have all had a radical education about politics, our social vision expanded - to a greater or lesser degree depending on how connected one’s chart is to Jupiter or Uranus. But that pattern hits all of us somewhere, sparking questions about the status quo.
Jupiter and Libra are both also associated with diplomacy and the world stage has been similarly disrupted by Trump and by other “strong” leaders, notably Kim Jong-un.
This is no one-day event, but rather a high point in a long-phase wave of energy that will linger for days, but as it fades we should know that we are coming out of these long tumultuous months. Life is different than it was, and now we go on figuring it out. Besides the normal stress and release of ongoing human life, the next 12 months show no disruptive aspects like those we’re just leaving behind.
This wave has a short-term spike as Pluto station’s on Thursday, resuming normal forward motion. Pluto works the life-and-death level of our space. Usually hidden within, he rules what we’re “dying to have”. Citizens of his home base in Scorpio know about intense desire. Pluto makes things matter to us. He’s beginning to move forward, releasing commitments held in check, and making desires known. He does this in the political world of Capricorn, a another brief pulse in his long-time transformation of human social structures that began in 2008 and continues until 2024. Pluto is the Lord of Death and Rebirth.
The Pluto station combined with (less than 24 hours) the Jupiter/Uranus event around mid-week marks a specially charged period of time and a political turning point this week.
On a personal level, we encounter Neptune’s magic in our interactions with people, all this week. Sparky moments of telepathy can mix with trippy inner movies making it hard to be objective. We may encounter perfection, and then have to handle imperfection with that knowledge. When we project and expect more than usual, disappointment is possible.
Neptune also expands imagination and vision. Immersive art forms have extra audience impact. Shared experiences are enhanced. Imagining plans and projects is richer with ideas.
Neptune dissolves borders, so our personal boundary is more porous when Neptune is strong. So find places and situations that nourish, and shun those that tweak your stomach.
Neptune also lies.
On Sunday Mars is opposite Neptune during the long VOID. If a grand scheme comes up Sunday, definitely hold it for review. Our natural aggressive energy may be held in check by imagining impossible goals.
This will be fading just as Venus is opposite Neptune on Friday. This affects our magnetic attraction, adding a karmic element and magic to the air. High fashion gets even higher. Extreme beauty can be spellbinding.
Neptune weaves his magic over our personal lives all this week, with the exception of Monday when Mercury squares Saturn in the morning. This is a regular minor stress that sharpens our intellect to find flaws. It’s like mentally lifting weights. It may be the most grounded day this week that begins and ends with Neptune wrapped around an outer planet sandwich.
Wednesday and Thursday are awash in media drama reflecting the heavy energies of Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto described above.
After Venus is opposite Neptune on Friday, Mercury leaves Virgo’s precision for the grace and intellect of Libra. The period of extra fault finding is ending; healing remedies are applied. The Moon is VOID from 6:14pm/8:14pm until 9:40pm/12:40am when she enters Aquarius.
The Aquarius Moon on Saturday and Sunday should bring back the Jupiter/Uranus outburst to the media and clarity to our minds.

Sunday September 24, 2017 Scorpio->Sagittarius Moon
Mars opposite Neptune today can lead to tilting at windmills, and at high ideals and goals. With a VOID Moon all day, windmills are more likely. Relax and enjoy some fantasy.
Monday September 25, 2017 Sagittarius Moon
Reality's hard edge appears today with Mercury square to Saturn. It's all about the facts and essential details.
Tuesday September 26, 2017 Sagittarius Moon
The Sagittarian Moon's big picture continues today. Yesterday's fact quest may reappear this evening when the Moon links to Mercury and Saturn.
Wednesday September 27, 2017 Sagittarius->Capricorn Moon
Big World politics in upheaval with Jupiter opposite Uranus and Pluto slowing to resume forward motion.
Thursday September 28, 2017 Capricorn Moon
Pluto stands still and power is shifting and major changes in alliances are in the works. Emotions are more intense than usual, bright colors…no pastels.
Friday September 29, 2017 Capricorn->Aquarius Moon
We can see the perfect versions of people we meet when Venus is opposite Neptune. Imagination is empowered and should not be confused with reality.
Saturday September 30, 2017 Aquarius Moon
Mercury has left his accounting job in Virgo and started his diplomatic career in Libra today. Grace in communications comes easily.

Extended Forecast:
Stepping way way back, much of the current distress and apparent chaos is symbolized by Neptune moving through his home and power sign, Pisces. He entered Pisces in 2011 and leaves in 2026. He was last in Pisces in the years ending with the U.S. Civil War.
Just as Neptune worked to unify, although incompletely, the U.S. and its two economies in the mid-1800’s, he is working now to unify on a higher level - global unification. Railroads, telegraphs, and photography emerged then to unify people and intensify their identification with their causes. Today we have the internet, cell phones, cheap transportation, and global media functioning in a unified time space, 24/7.
We have people united by the incipient effects of climate change.
Neptune is dissolving outdated national governments and empowering political structures with a different scope.
In his own strong sign, Neptune’s shine is strong everywhere. We project perfection onto leaders and expect the same. There is a religious current in politics, that flows from Neptune. Good and evil are frequent adjectives.
The best defenses against this flowing magic are Occam’s Razor and mindfulness. IMHO.
We’re at the last “big energy” input this week on September 27th and 28th, when Libra Jupiter makes a tense contact opposite Aries Uranus while Pluto stands still to resume forward motion. That they happen so close in time, compounds their energies to upset our cultural world. Both Jupiter and Uranus expand our minds, with Jupiter the gentler, but when they work together they color the days with sudden grasping of larger viewpoints. They also represent the conflict between the executive and the courts, which could rise to a new level of conflict.
Steadier times begin in October, but there’s no return to the status quo ante. Real political change is slowly coming when both Saturn and Pluto align in Capricorn in January 2020.

Jupiter is direct in Libra.
Saturn is direct in Sagittarius.
Uranus is retrograde in Aries.
Neptune is retrograde in Pisces.
Pluto is turning direct in Capricorn.
VOID Moon Tables
(As the Moon moves through the signs of the Zodiac, there comes a time when it has made the last connection it can make while in the present sign. From that time until the Moon enters the next Zodiac sign it is said to be VOID. It means that things are "in neutral". It is a time to maintain routines but NOT a time to begin new projects. Ideas and opportunities which come up during VOID moon periods rarely amount to much. It's not a good time to schedule an important first meeting or to make decisions. This VOID time can last from a couple minutes to almost 48 hours depending on the arrangement of the planets in the signs.)
Day of the Week
September 24, 2017
September 25, 2017
Ends VOID enters Sagittarius
September 27, 2017
September 27, 2017
Ends VOID enters Capricorn
September 29, 2017
September 30, 2017
Ends VOID enters Aquarius
Day of the Week
September 24, 2017
September 24, 2017
Ends VOID enters Sagittarius
September 27, 2017
September 27, 2017
Ends VOID enters Capricorn
September 29, 2017
September 29, 2017
Ends VOID enters Aquarius
Day of the Week
September 24, 2017
September 25, 2017
Ends VOID enters Sagittarius
September 27, 2017
September 27, 2017
Ends VOID enters Capricorn
September 30, 2017
September 30, 2017
Ends VOID enters Aquarius
Copyright 2017 Rich Humbert - www.celestialweather.com
