Unity Rally set for Monday, at 3:30 at New Haven City Hall

Message from Mayor's Office about Unity Rally set for Monday, at 3:30 at New Haven City Hall. New Haven City Hall

Good afternoon, one and all… 

Mayor Harp and Chief of Police Campbell would like to host a New Haven Unity event; it is now scheduled for Monday afternoon, 8/21, at City Hall at 3:30, if you can please make time on your schedule to attend this event…

The mayor and the chief envision civic leaders, public safety officials, clergy members, business leaders, educators, and an entire cross-section of New Haven to gather and underscore the values of this community and its ongoing, unified commitment to acceptance, tolerance, respect, and non-violence in the face of a national climate in which these qualities seem to be losing their priority…please invite others to participate… … this event is meant to demonstrate New Haven’s strength and be a show of force; a large gathering to showcase a unified front…Please distribute as you see fit ... thank you very much…
