Say No to Husky Cuts


Join with people receiving health care through HUSKY (Medicaid) and other Medicaid advocates to oppose cuts in income eligibility levels for parents in the HUSKY program. 

The General Assembly will most likely be in session so this will also be an opportunity to talk to your state Representatives and Senators.

Planning to attend?  Let us know at
Learn more:
You can read our blog on this subject: Say "No" to Taking Health Care from Low Income Parents!

See Fact Sheets on Proposed Cuts to HUSKY/Medicaid

See Connecticut Health Foundation's Brief: Impact of Reducing Eligibility for HUSKY Parents from 155% of FPL to 138% of FPL
See Connecticut Voices for Children's Fact Sheet: Governor's Cuts Multiply the Burdens on Low-Income Families

Thank you for standing up to protect the care of all Connecticut residents!
Lynne Ide, Director of Program and Policy
Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut
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