We can not expect "civility in society" when daily the barbarian and his cadre in the people's house spew filth

Ficklin Media Note: We can not expect "civility in society" when daily the barbarian and his cadre in the people's house spew filth , garbage and vitriol. If we did not have a minority vote imposter in the mud caked house on pennsylvania avenue, the Charles Murray appearance might have generated some student protest but nothing this major. The fact that you have a personage such as Murray who embodies by his actions ethnic cleansing and white nationalism and those are my nice words arrive on a campus during these times of international presidential embarrassment and direct assault on our integrity and collective justice it is no surprise that the resistance movement is acting up and action out and dare I say it is the right time to do so. David Moakley Betsy Currier Beacom Craig Kelly Larry M Stewart
The speaker, Charles Murray, is known for having co-written "The Bell Curve."
