Forward Promise :Promoting the Health of Boys and Young Men of Color

Thank you for joining us!

Dear Colleague, 

The Forward Promise National Program Office team thanks you for your participation in our launch event on March 22, 2017. 

If you traveled from outside the Philadelphia area, we hope you arrived home safely and in great spirits.

We are thankful that you took valuable time out of your schedule to join us, to learn about our mission and vision for our work ahead, and to offer your insights and energy to the day. See our survey, photo highlights of the day and the full video recording below. 

Your Feedback Wanted
We would love to get your feedback on the event. Would you take 5 minutes to complete our post-event survey? Click here.  
Photo Highlights
Here are some photo highlights of the event. 
Video Recording of the Event
We recorded the program in its entirety. Watch it here:

Forward Promise Launch - 3/22 at 1:45pm ET
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