Echoes of Incarceration

a documentary project produced by youth with incarcerated parents
Filmmaking and Advocacy Summer Camp
Echoes is teaming-up again with the American Friends Service Committee and offering a month-long camp for youth. The camp will train young people (age 16-19) in filmmaking and advocacy around immigration and criminal justice issues.  See the camp in action in the video below:
Dates: July 5th - August 3rd
Days/Times: Mondays - Thursdays 10am - 3pm
Who: Young people ages 15 - 19 (open to all youth, but we're encouraging youth with incarcerated parents to apply.)
Where: Seafarers House 123 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
What: Learn how to be an agent of change
Morning snack & lunch will be provided.   Metrocards & small stipends available.
Contact Jeremy Robins: or Lewis
New Play on Gun Violence - 
Benefit Performance for Echoes on April 26
The theater company Houses on the Moon is presenting two powerful plays on gun violence: The Assignment - a fictional play which "explores the long-term emotional toll of violence from both sides of the gun barrel, and the struggle to forgive others and ourselves," as well as the collection of true stories from their storytelling workshops "gUN COUNTRY."   Both plays incredibly powerful by all accounts. The performance of gUN COUNTRY on April 26th will be a benefit for Echoes of Incarceration - and we'll be speaking on a panel after the performance. Please come out for what is sure to be a great evening. 
Purchase tickets to the 4/26/17 benefit performance HERE
Information the the full run of the two plays HERE

When: Wednesday, April 26th 7pm
WhereThe Jeffrey and Paula Gural Theatre
A.R.T./NY Theatres

 Hope to see you there!
Please contact us with questions, ideas or feedback, and thank you for your support!
-Jeremy and the Echoes Crew

find out more at
