Critical Histories and Activist Futures: Science, Medicine, and Racial Violence
February 24-25th, 2017 Yale Medical Historical Library (333 Cedar Street)
Registration is open for the conference “Critical Histories, Activist Futures: Science, Medicine, and Racial Violence,” which will take place on February 24 and 25, 2017. Find out more information about the conference here.
Mission Statement
The History, Science, and Justice Collective is a student-led initiative dedicated to building interdisciplinary coalitions at Yale and beyond to address issues of social justice. Our strategy is two-pronged: first, to build diversity and representation within the academy, and, second, to foster the historical study of the intersection of science and justice. Science and medicine wield extraordinary cultural power, and our work aims to explore how their authority has affected the economic, political, and social rights of individuals. We believe history can be a resource for engaging in the present and for imagining more just futures.