The Mountaintop by Katori Hall, Directed by Dexter Singleton, Starring Terrence Riggins and Malia West

Hey friends,
You do not want to miss our theatre company's latest show, starring Terrence Riggins (were you lucky enough to see him at the Every 28 Hours plays?!) as MLK, Malia West as Camae, and directed by Dexter J. Singleton.
Opening night, TONIGHT Thursday, is pay-what-you-can!
Tickets here. For group rates, contact
The Mountaintop by Katori Hall, directed by Dexter J. SingletonJanuary 19-February 4, 2017 A gripping reimagination of events the night before the assassination of the civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. On April 3, 1968, after delivering one of…
