Morning Flow Yoga
Rooted and Grounded
Join us on January 7th for Morning Flow Yoga Class at Black Rock Library in Bridgeport, CT. Class fees are covered by the library.
All levels welcomed
What is Morning Flow Yoga?
Morning Flow Yoga is a fusion of Hatha style Yoga and Kemetic Yoga. Hatha is an Indian style yoga that can be translated two ways: as “willful” or “forceful,” or the yoga of activity. Hatha Yoga helps to align and calm your body, mind and soul in preparation for meditation. Morning Flow Yoga combines and complements the various strengths of Kemetic Yoga and Hatha Yoga through focusing on the breath, body alignment, and meditation. The sequences are slow and each movement is in unison with the inhalation and exaltation of the breath. Poses are held for four to six breathes, which helps to deepen your ability to feel the benefits of each âsana