City of Hartford Department of Health & Human Services In Collaboration with Greater Hartford Harm Reduction Coalition, Inc. Invite you to join us for a COMMUNITY FORUM Regarding Opioid Overdose Awareness & Prevention Dr. David Fiellin, Yale School of Medicine, one of the authors of the CT Opioid REsponse (CORE) Initiative requested by Gov. Malloy for the State of CT; Dr. Gary Rhule, Director Hartford Health & Human Services; and others will be on hand to discuss the CORE strategies outlined in the plan and how the strategies might be implemented in Hartford. We are seeking community feedback and dialogue, so please take a look at the CORE Initiative prior to the forum and join us ready to share your thoughts. Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm Where: Collin Bennett Banquet Hall 1229 Albany Ave. 2nd Floor Hartford, CT 06112 Light refreshments will be served at 5:15pm, therefore please RSVP: HHS-GHHRC.EVENTBRITE.COM For more information Email: Phone: 860.856.1815 This event is FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC