Join in a special conversation with Lisa Gale Hadden How Professionals Can Support Neighborhood Life

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October 2016
Peter Block and John McKnight
Welcome to the Abundant Community
Our website reports on the social innovations that are leading the revival of connected communities and local living and cooperation.  Let us know what you find useful on the site and what you are creating in your own efforts.
— Peter Block and John McKnight
Our invitation
Join in a special conversation with Lisa Gale Hadden
How Professionals Can Support Neighborhood Life 
You’re invited to a
free online / dial-up conversation 1:00 pm Eastern on Tuesday, October 11,
with our special guest:
Lisa Gale Hadden
Lisa has developed creative ways to get health care professionals oriented to support rather than control local partners. 
We will talk with Lisa for about fifteen minutes about our experiences in working with citizens to take charge of their well-being. Lisa will focus on her work assisting students in health professions to use an asset-based approach to improve health status while providing a students’ deeper understanding of what creates and sustains health other than clinical indicators.
 After the opening remarks we'll open the conversation up for questions and insights from listeners.
How to join in
About our guest
Lisa Gale Hadden
Lisa Gale Hadden is Executive Director of a Michigan Area Health Education Center, housed within the College of Medicine at Central Michigan University, and serves as a faculty member of the Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Institute, Northwestern University.
The former President and CEO of Healthy Community Partners, she has worked as a community organizer and was the Project Director for Healthy Futures, which supported access to health care for the homeless and uninsured. There she created a network of free, street clinics staffed by volunteer physicians, family nurse practitioners and nurses. 
A notable feature of the Healthy Futures program was its community service coordination provided by residents hired from the neighborhoods to navigate patients through all aspects of health care and non-medical community resources.
Learn more about Lisa and her work from these sources:
Community at work
A partnership between a Boston health clinic and a local grocery shows the power of community when neighborhood health becomes a priority.
Recommended audio/video
We Are the Authority
By John McKnight
How the Westside Health Authority started with neighbors asking a simple question: What can WE do about our health, and do it our way?
John explores the differences between “care” and “service” in this segment from his video interview with The Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities and explains why systems cannot provide care.
Food for thought
Go in search of people.
Begin with what they know.
Build on what they have.
–– Chinese proverb
Referring to an injured baseball player: "He's listed day-to-day. But then, aren't we all?”
–– Vin Scully
Healthy people are those who live in healthy homes on a healthy diet; in an environment equally fit for birth, growth work, healing, and dying... Healthy people need no bureaucratic interference to mate, give birth, share the human condition and die.
–– Ivan Illich
Be a neighbor first! Build relationships first! Become a social entrepreneur! Build community networks and webs.… This is the raw material of capacity building.  
–– Lisa G. Hadden
How to participate
It’s easy to listen and participate in the conversation. If you can’t listen live, it will be archived on our website for listening or downloading later.  
To join the conversation online:
  • Click this link:
  • Click the big circle that looks like a “play” button to begin listening.
  • Once on the site, you will see a big “JOIN IN!” button. When you click on it you can listen from the pop-up window and also participate in the chat room. 
To join the conversation by phone:  
  • Dial in to TalkShoe at (724) 444-7444
  • At the prompt, enter the Call ID: 115124#
  • If you are not a member of TalkShoe, when asked for a PIN, follow the prompt to enter 1#. 
Use the comment form on the website or go to our Facebook page to post the questions and insights you would like to share in advance. Check the website Events page for updates and more details.
Acknowledgments and sources
Guest bios: ABCD InstituteCommunity Campus Partnerships for HealthMLive Media GroupThe Saginaw NewsImage credits (top to bottom) –– John McKnight (r) photo courtesy / Peter Block (l) photo by Jim Block; Lisa Gale Hadden. 
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